Project 2025

The Plot Against America

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Everything below is directly quoted from the Project 2025 document.

The Project 2025 Advisory Board

Page xi: The Project 2025 Advisory Board … America First Legal Foundation

The 2025 Presidential Transition Project: A Note On “Project 2025”

Page xiv: Project 2025 is more than 50 (and growing) of the nation’s leading conservative organizations joining forces to prepare and seize the day

Page xiv: we are forming agency teams and drafting transition plans to move out upon the President’s utterance of “so help me God.”


Page xv: Authors … Jonathan Berry … At the U.S. Department of Justice, he assisted with … the nominations of Justice Neil Gorsuch and dozens of other judges. He previously served as Chief Counsel for the Trump transition and earlier clerked for Associate Justice Samuel Alito

Page xvi: Authors … Adam Candeub … served as acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Justice Department during the Trump Administration.

Page xvii: Authors … Ken Cuccinelli served as Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2019 and then, from November 2019 through the end of the Trump Administration, as Acting Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Page xviii: Authors … Thomas F. Gilman served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Administration and Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Trump Administration.

Page xviii: Authors … Gene Hamilton is Vice-President and General Counsel of America First Legal Foundation. Gene served as Counselor to the Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice; Senior Counselor to the Secretary of Homeland Security;

Page xviii: Authors … Mandy M. Gunasekara … During the Trump Administration, Mandy served as the Chief of Staff at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as well as Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation.

Page xix: Authors … Dennis Dean Kirk … During the Trump Administration, Dennis served in senior positions at the Office of Personnel Management and was nominated by President Trump to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Page xix: Authors … Christopher Miller served … during the Trump Administration, … as Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense …, and Senior Director … at the National Security Council.

Page xx: Authors … Mora Namdar … senior advisor … at the U.S. State Department and was appointed by President Donald Trump to perform the duties of the Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs. … served as Vice President of Legal, Compliance, and Risk at the U.S. Agency for Global Media.

Page xx: Authors … Peter Navarro … was one of only three senior White House officials to serve with Donald Trump from the 2016 campaign to the end of the President’s first term. He was the West Wing’s chief China hawk and trade czar and served as Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy

Page xx: Authors … William Perry Pendley … leader of the Bureau of Land Management for President Donald Trump.

Page xxii: EDITORS Paul Dans … served in the Trump Administration as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, as OPM*’s White House liaison, and as a senior advisor at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Page xxiii: EDITORS … Steven Groves … served in the Trump Administration, first as … Chief of Staff at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. … Assistant Special Counsel, representing the White House in the Mueller investigation. Groves also served as White House Deputy Press Secretary.


Page xxv: The contributors listed below generously volunteered their time and effort to assist the authors in the development and writing of this volume’s 30 chapters. … Tom Homan, The Heritage Foundation

Foreword: A Promise To America

Kevin D. Roberts, Phd

Page 3: Dismantle the administrative state

Page 4: deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity … gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights … out of every … rule, … regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and … legislation

Page 5: Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.

Page 5: Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, … It has no claim to First Amendment protection.

Page 5: installing work requirements for food stamps

Page 6: the Dobbs decision is just the beginning. … push as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America. In particular, the next conservative President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn

Page 6: as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America. In particular, the next conservative President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn

Page 9: here are many executive tools a courageous conservative President can use to handcuff the bureaucracy … bring the Administrative State to heel

Page 9: The Conservative Promise lays out how to use many of these tools including: how to fire supposedly “un-fireable” federal bureaucrats

Page 13: Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought.

Page 13: An individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained

Section 1: Taking The Reins Of Government

Page 20: political appointees must be given the tools, knowledge, and support to overcome the federal government’s obstructionist Human Resources departments. More fundamentally, the new Administration must fill its ranks with political appointees.

Page 20: Empowering political appointees across the Administration is crucial to a President’s success.

Page 21: Political appointees who are answerable to the President and have decision-making authority in the executive branch are key to this essential task. The next Administration must not cede such authority to non-partisan “experts,”

White House Office

Rick Dearborn

Page 27: Attorneys working in the Office of White House Counsel … should be deeply committed to the President’s agenda … should not erect roadblocks out of an abundance of caution;

Executive Office Of The President Of The United States

Russ Vought

Page 44: The great challenge confronting a conservative President is the existential need for aggressive use of the vast powers of the executive branch … Success in meeting that challenge will require … boldness to bend or break the bureaucracy to the presidential will

Page 50: ensure that multiple regulatory actions could be packaged and voted on at the same time. … allow the President to focus his rulemaking resources on major new regulatory reforms rather than devoting months or years to undoing the final rulemakings of the Biden Administration.

Page 51: Aligning NSC* staff to the President’s national security goals …. political appointees or a minimum number of career detailees, who are selected and vetted politically and report directly to political staff should be the main day-to-day managers

Page 52: conduct reviews of operational war plans and global force planning and allocations with the Secretary of Defense to align them with presidential priorities

Page 52: rigorously review all general and flag officer promotions to prioritize the core roles and responsibilities of the military over social engineering and non-defense matters, including climate change

Page 52: the NSA¹ should prioritize staffing … NSC² directorates with aligned political appointees and trusted career officials. For instance, the NSA should return all nonessential detailees to their home agencies on their first day in office

Page 53: rapidly sizing and solidifying the NSC* staff to support and achieve the President’s objectives beginning on Inauguration Day.

Page 59: reshape the U.S. Global Change Research Program … and related climate change research programs. … strategic plans and research (for example, the National Climate Assessment) … frustrate successful litigation defense in ways that the career bureaucracy should not be permitted to control.

Page 59: increase the prominence of the OSTP’s Director … to balance out agencies like the Departments of Energy, State, and Commerce and the Environmental Protection Agency and Council on Environmental Quality.

Page 59: R&D funding around the so-called Industries of the Future (IOTF). … Under President Biden, this list has been expanded to include … battery technology, cybersecurity, green products and clean technology … and agricultural technologies, …. These priorities should be evaluated and narrowed

Page 60: Similarly, the Biden Administration’s climate fanaticism will need a whole-of-government unwinding.

Page 60: restore related EOP* research components … (for example, the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group); … separate the scientific risk assessment function from the risk management, which is the exclusive domain of elected policymakers and the public.

Page 60: unwinding policies and procedures that are used to advance radical gender, racial, and equity initiatives under the banner of science

Page 60: The President should instruct the CEQ* to rewrite its regulations … restoring its key provisions such as banning the use of cumulative impact analysis.

Page 61: abolishing the existing Office of Domestic Climate Policy

Page 61: The President should eliminate the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC), …, and by executive order should end the use of SCC analysis.

Page 62: insure that the ONDCP* is managed by political appointees who are committed to the Administration’s agenda and not acquiesce to management by political or career military personnel who oversaw the prior Administration’s ONDCP.

Page 62: GENDER POLICY COUNCIL (GPC) … immediately revoke … every policy … of the Gender Policy Council … eliminate central promotion of abortion (“health services”); comprehensive sexuality education (“education”); and the new woke gender ideology, which has as a principal tenet “gender affirming care”

Central Personnel Agencies: Managing The Bureaucracy

Donald Devine, Dennis Dean Kirk, And Paul Dans

Page 71: The civil service was devised to … promote expertise and shield bureaucrats from partisan political pressure, but it soon began to insulate civil servants from accountability. The modern merit system increasingly made it almost impossible to fire all but the most incompetent civil servants.

Page 72: the Carter presidency … contrived with plaintiffs to end civil service IQ examinations because of concern … that it was discriminatory. … This doctrine of disparate impact could be ended legislatively or at least narrowed through the regulatory process by a future Administration.

Page 73: In 2018, President Trump issued Executive Order 13839 requiring agencies … to reevaluate procedures for agencies to discipline supervisors who retaliate against whistleblowers. Unfortunately, the order was overturned by the Biden Administration, so it will need to be reintroduced in 2025.

Page 76: With the proper limitation of labor union actions … should have limited reason for appeals. The EEOC*’s federal employee section should be transferred … greatly simplifying the burdensome appeal process.

Page 80: Trump … issued Executive Order 13957 to make career professionals … who … exercise significant discretion … an exception to the competitive hiring rules … under a new Schedule F. …. The order was subsequently reversed by President Biden …. It should be reinstated

Page 81: Executive Order 13839, encouraging agencies both to limit labor grievances on removals from service or on challenging performance appraisals … revoked by the Biden Administration and should be reinstated by the next Administration

Page 82: Congress should also consider whether public-sector unions are appropriate in the first place. The bipartisan consensus up until the middle of the 20th century held that these unions were not compatible with constitutional government.

Page 83: give the President direct supervision of the bureaucracy with the OPM* Director available in his Cabinet.

The Common Defense

Page 87: our military has adopted a risk-averse culture—think of masked soldiers, sailors, and airmen

Page 88: But this is now Barack Obama’s general officer corps. That is why Russ Vought argues in Chapter 2 that the National Security Council “should rigorously review all general and flag officer promotions

Page 89: Divisive symbols such as the rainbow flag … have no place next to the Stars and Stripes at our embassies.

Page 89: Former acting deputy secretary of homeland security Ken Cuccinelli says in Chapter 5 that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) … should be closed … He recommends that it be replaced with a new “stand-alone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level”

Page 90: restructure the making and execution of U.S. defense and foreign policy and reset the nation’s role in the world. The recommendations outlined in this section provide guidance on how the next President should use the federal government’s vast resources to do just that.

Department Of Defense

Christopher Miller

Page 91: The DOD* is also a deeply troubled institution. … profoundly unserious equity agenda and vaccine mandates have taken a serious toll.

Page 94: Transform NATO … relying on the United States primarily for our nuclear deterrent … while reducing the U.S. force posture in Europe.

Page 94: Enable South Korea to take the lead in its conventional defense against North Korea.

Page 94: Implement nuclear modernization and expansion. The United States manifestly needs to modernize, adapt, and expand its nuclear arsenal.

Page 97: Strengthen the ability of acquisition authorities to engage in multiyear procurements and block buys. This will improve private-sector rates of return

Page 101: End the tiered review process to eliminate at least 20 days from the FMS* process.

Page 101: End informal congressional notification. … The tiered review process is not codified in law; it is merely a practice by which the Department of State provides a preview of prospective arms transfers before Congress is formally notified.

Page 102: require completion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)—the military entrance examination—by all students in schools

Page 103: those with gender dysphoria should be expelled from military service

Page 104: Audit the course offerings at military academies to remove Marxist indoctrination, eliminate tenure for academic professionals, and apply the same rules to instructors that are applied to other DOD* contracting personnel.

Page 104: Reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the military. Gender dysphoria is incompatible with the demands of military service, and the use of public monies for transgender surgeries or to facilitate abortion for service members should be ended.

Page 104: Audit all curricula and health policies in DOD* schools for military families, remove all inappropriate materials, and reverse inappropriate policies.

Page 118: Restore architectural balance in U.S. space forces, both offensive and defensive, to restore deterrence dominance efficiently and quickly. Rapidly expand space control capability, to include cis-lunar space (the region beginning at geosynchronous altitude and encompassing the moon)

Page 118: the United States will operate at will in space and … ensure effective deterrence and the ability to impose our will if necessary.

Page 119: Conduct effective offensive cyber-effects operations at the tactical and strategic levels.

Page 120: End USCYBERCOM’s participation in federal efforts to “fortify” U.S. elections

Page 121: include irregular warfare within the context of great-power competition … If we maintain irregular warfare’s traditional focus on nonstate actors, we limit ourselves to addressing only the symptoms (nonstate actors), not the problems themselves (China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran).

Page 121: Make irregular warfare a cornerstone of security strategy.

Department Of Homeland Security

Ken Cuccinelli

Page 133: Our primary recommendation is that the President pursue legislation to dismantle the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Page 133: (CBP) … be combined with … (ICE); U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services … the … Office of Refugee Resettlement … and the … Executive Office for Immigration Review … and Office of Immigration Litigation … into a standalone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level

Page 135: privatizing … the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program, reforming FEMA emergency spending to shift the majority of preparedness and response costs to states and localities instead of the federal government

Page 136: An Aggressive Approach to Senate-Confirmed Leadership Positions. … take a novel approach to the confirmations process … place its nominees for key positions into similar positions as “actings” (for example, putting in a person to serve as the Senior Official Performing the Duties of …).

Page 136: Political-Only Line of Succession. … in circumstances where a career employee holds a leadership position in the department, that position should be deemed vacant for line-of-succession purposes and the next eligible political appointee in the sequence should assume acting authority.

Page 137: ensure that all FEMA*-issued grant funding for states, localities, and private organizations is going to recipients who … can show that their mission and actions support the broader homeland security mission.

Page 138: commitment by that state or locality to total information-sharing in the context of both federal law enforcement and immigration enforcement. This would include access to department of motor vehicles and voter registration databases.

Page 139: CBP* should restart and expand use of the horseback-mounted Border Patrol.

Page 140: A single nationwide detention standard … Such standards should allow the flexibility to use large numbers of temporary facilities such as tents

Page 141: Eliminate T* and U visas. Victimization should not be a basis for an immigration benefit.

Page 142: ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) should be … primarily responsible for … civil arrest, detention, and removal of immigration violators anywhere in the United States, without warrant where appropriate

Page 142: All ICE memoranda identifying “sensitive zones” where ICE personnel are prohibited from operating should be rescinded.

Page 142: The use of Blackies Warrants should be operationalized within ICE. These civil search warrants are commonly used for worksite enforcement when agents have probable cause that illegal aliens are employed at a business. This would streamline investigations.

Page 143: reimplementation of the USCIS* denaturalization unit—an effort to maintain integrity in the system by identifying and prosecuting criminal and civil denaturalization cases

Page 146: USCIS* should make it clear that where no court jurisdiction exists, it will not honor court decisions that seek to undermine regulatory and subregulatory efforts.

Page 146: USCIS* still requires access to all relevant national security and law enforcement databases in the same vein as any other agency in the intelligence space.

Page 147: USCIS* should be classified as a national security-sensitive agency … Leaks must be investigated and punished as they would be in a national security agency, and the union should be decertified.

Page 147: Mandatory appropriation for border wall system infrastructure.

Page 148: Congress should repeal Section 235 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (TVPRA), which provides numerous immigration benefits to unaccompanied alien children

Page 148: move detention of alien children expressly from the Department of Health and Human Services to DHS

Page 148: at a minimum codify the holding in Matter of A-B,- that gang violence and domestic violence are not grounds for asylum

Page 150: Prosecutorial discretion. Congress should restrict the authority for prosecutorial discretion to eliminate it as a “catch-all” excuse for limiting immigration enforcement.

Page 152: prohibiting in whole or in part the introduction of persons from such countries … in order to avert or curtail … mass migration … including through the expulsion of such aliens. … not be subject to the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act. … waive all legal requirements of Title 8

Page 154: The NFIP* should be wound down and replaced with private insurance

Page 155: Of the utmost urgency is immediately ending CISA's* counter-mis/disinformation efforts.

Page 155: the Twitter Files has demonstrated that CISA* has devolved into an unconstitutional censoring and election engineering apparatus of the political Left … the entirety of the CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee should be dismissed on Day One.

Page 156: USCG* should also make a serious effort to re-vet any promotions and hiring that occurred on the Biden Administration’s watch while also re-onboarding any USCG personnel who were dismissed from service for refusing to take the COVID-19 “vaccine”

Page 159: Until it is privatized, TSA should be treated as a national security provider, and its workforce should be deunionized immediately.

Page 160: perform a complete inventory, analysis, and reevaluation of the department’s domestic terrorism lines of effort to ensure that they are consistent with the President’s priorities

Page 161: The Office of Intelligence and Analysis should be eliminated … because it has been weaponized for domestic political purposes.

Page 162: OGC* should advise principals as to how DHS can execute its missions within the law instead of advising principals as to why they cannot execute regulations, policies, and programs.

Page 162: OGC* should hire significantly more Schedule C/political appointees who in turn supervise career staff and manage their output. DHS’s mission is politically charged, and the legal function cannot be allowed to thwart the Administration’s agenda

Page 165: all civil liberties or civil rights complaints are sent to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for review. If the OIG chooses not to investigate, the CRCL* Officer should only provide supportive information on possible courses of action

Page 165: only U.S. persons and Lawful Permanent Residents are provided protections as required by the Privacy Act

Page 165: CRCL* and PRIV† staff should no longer review intelligence products or provide guidance on any intelligence products or reports

Page 165: The Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman should be eliminated.

Page 165: disband the outside advisory boards and the more than 50 working groups in which CRCL* and PRIV† currently participate. Finally, CRCL and PRIV should no longer issue bulletins or periodicals.

Page 166: the Secretary should immediately issue a directive stripping CRCL* of its immigration portfolio.

Page 166: The Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman should be eliminated.

Page 166: a policy should be issued that prohibits CISOMB* from … helping DACA† applicants obtain and renew benefits, including work authorization.

Page 166: Department of Health and Human Services: Agree to move the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to DHS*

Page 166: Department of Defense: … participate actively in the defense of America’s borders, including using military personnel and hardware to prevent illegal crossings

Page 167: treat the administrative law judges (immigration judges and Board of Immigration Appeals) as national security personnel

Page 167: Allow DHS* to lead international engagement in the Western Hemisphere on issues of security and migration.

Page 167: deny loan access to students at schools that provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens

Page 167: Department of the Treasury: … provide DHS* with all tax information of illegal aliens as expeditiously as possible.

Department Of State

Kiron K. Skinner

Page 171: large swaths of the State Department’s workforce … disagree with a conservative President’s policy agenda and vision. It should not and cannot be this way: … take swift and decisive steps to reforge the department into a lean and functional diplomatic machine that serves the President

Page 173: assert leadership over … the State Department by placing political appointees … also increase the number of political appointees to manage it. … No one in a leadership position on the morning of January 20 should hold that position at the end of the day.

Page 174: Political ambassadors with strong personal relationships with the President should be prioritized for key strategic posts such as Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Page 174: Upon inauguration, the Secretary of State should order an immediate freeze on all efforts to implement unratified treaties and international agreements

Page 176: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been “at war” with the U.S. for decades. Now that this reality has been accepted throughout the government, the State Department must be prepared to lead the U.S. diplomatic effort accordingly.

Page 178: indefinite curtailment of the number of USRAP* refugee admissions.

Page 179: significantly reorient the U.S. government’s posture … which will include much more honest assessments about who are friends and who are not. This reorientation could represent the most significant shift in core foreign policy principles and corresponding action since the end of the Cold War.

Page 180: Chinese power … is the product of history, ideology, and the institutions that have governed China during the course of five millennia … meaning that internal culture and civil society will never deliver a more normative nation. … can only be curbed through external pressure.

Page 185: The Palestinian Authority should be defunded.

Page 186: Reorient the focus of U.S. overseas development assistance away from stand-alone humanitarian development aid and toward fostering free market systems in African countries by incentivizing and facilitating U.S. private sector engagement in these countries.

Page 191: promote a strict text-based interpretation of treaty obligations that does not consider human rights treaties as "living instruments" both within the State Department and within international organizations that receive U.S. funding

Page 192: end blind support for international organizations … the Trump Administration withdrew from, or terminated funding for, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and the WHO.

Page 192: become a vocal surrogate for people in countries where rights are being suppressed in the name of health. This will likely require greater restrictions on the supply of federal dollars to the WHO* and other health-focused international organizations

Intelligence Community

Dustin J. Carmack

Page 204: future IC* leadership must address the widely promoted “woke” culture that has spread throughout the federal government with identity politics and “social justice” advocacy

Page 210: A future conservative President should … identify individuals on the transition team who are familiar with the implementation of covert action with a view to placing them in key NSC*, CIA, ODNI†, and DOD positions.

Page 211: creative thinking and a clear strategy as to how covert action fits within the President’s broader foreign policy strategy, to include possibly modifying or rescinding any current findings, drafting new findings, … to facilitate more expeditious decisions on tactical covert action.

Page 216: The IC* should be prohibited from monitoring so-called domestic disinformation.

Page 225: For many years, the European Union (EU) has tried to force U.S. companies operating in Europe to follow its data privacy regulations. … An incoming conservative President should reset Europe’s expectations. … suspend any provisions that unduly burden intelligence collection.

Page 226: An incoming President should ask for an immediate study of the implementation of Executive Order 14086* and suspend any provisions that unduly burden intelligence collection.

Corporation For Public Broadcasting

Mike Gonzalez

Page 248: The next President should instruct the FCC to exclude the stations affiliated with PBS and NPR from the NCE* denomination and the privileges that come with it.

Agency For International Development

Max Primorac

Page 257: The aid industry claims that climate change causes poverty, which is false.

Page 257: rescind all climate policies from its foreign aid programs (specifically USAID's Climate Strategy 2022-2030); shut down the agency's offices, programs, and directives designed to advance the Paris Climate Agreement

Page 258: dismantle USAID's DEI apparatus by eliminating the Chief Diversity Officer position along with the DEI advisers and committees; cancel the DEI scorecard and dashboard; remove DEI requirements from contract and grant tenders and awards

Page 258: issue a directive to cease promotion of the DEI agenda, including the bullying LGBTQ+ agenda

Page 259: remove all references, examples, definitions, photos … websites … publications and policies … contracts and grants that include the following terms: "gender," "gender equality," "gender equity," "gender diverse individuals," "gender aware," "gender sensitive," etc.

Page 259: remove references to - "abortion," "reproductive health," and "sexual and reproductive rights" and controversial sexual education materials

Page 259: Without women, there are no children, and society cannot continue.

Page 261: The new pro-life executive order should apply to foreign NGOs … and remove exemptions for U.S.-based NGOs, public international organizations, and bilateral government-to-government agreements. All entities funded by USAID, both directly and indirectly, should report their compliance

Page 265: Increasing USAID Collaboration with Faith-Based Organizations

The General Welfare

Page 283: In essence, our deficit problem is a Medicare and Medicaid problem.

Page 284: Severino writes that the “FDA* should...reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs…”

Page 285: the FBI views itself as an independent agency” that is “on par with the Attorney General,” rather than as an agency that is under the AG and fully accountable to him or her. … rein in this “completely out of control” bureau and remind it of its place within … the DOJ hierarchy

Page 286: the Department of Energy should end the Biden Administration’s unprovoked war on fossil fuels, … oppose eyesore windmills

Department Of Agriculture

Daren Bakst

Page 290: the USDA* should not try to control and shape the economy, but should instead remove obstacles that hinder food production. Further, it should not place ancillary issues, such as environmental issues, ahead of agricultural production itself.

Page 293: Remove the U.S. from any association with U.N. and other efforts to push sustainable-development schemes connected to food production.

Page 295: Limit spending to directly help farmers and ranchers address issues due to unforeseen events

Page 297: prohibiting farmers from receiving an ARC¹ or PLC² payment the same year they receive a crop insurance indemnity.

Page 299: Reform SNAP*. Ostensibly, SNAP sends money … to help “low-income” individuals buy food. It is the largest of the federal nutrition programs. … SNAP serves 41.1 million individuals …The next Administration should: Re-implement work requirements.

Page 300: Re-evaluate the Thrifty Food Plan. In a dramatic overreach, the Biden Administration unilaterally increased food stamp benefits by at least 23 percent in October 2021.

Page 302: As for baby formula regulations generally, labeling regulations and regulations that unnecessarily delay the manufacture and sale of baby formula should be re-evaluated.

Page 302: Return to the Original Purpose of School Meals. Federal meal programs for K–12 students were created to provide food to children from low-income families while at school. Today … federal school meals increasingly resemble entitlement programs that have strayed far from their original objective

Page 303: reject efforts to transform federal school meals into an entitlement program. … only an individual school or a school district as a whole, not a subset of schools within a district, must meet the 40-percent criteria … Work with lawmakers to eliminate CEP*

Page 303: should not provide meals to students during the summer unless students are taking summer-school classes. Currently, students can get meals from schools even if they are not in summer school, which has, in effect, turned school meals into a federal catering program.

Page 304: Champion the elimination of the Conservation Reserve Program. Farmers should not be paid in such a sweeping way not to farm their land.

Page 304: Reform NRCS* wetlands and erodible land compliance and appeals. Problematic NRCS overreach could be avoided entirely by removing its authority to prescribe specific practices on a particular farm operation

Page 305: Only meat and poultry from federally inspected facilities can be sold in interstate commerce. … This is an unnecessary regulatory barrier that makes it difficult to get meat and poultry into interstate commerce to create more options for consumers and farmers.

Page 307: Repeal the federal labeling mandate. The USDA should work with Congress to repeal the federal labeling law, while maintaining federal preemption

Page 309: Dietary Guidelines have a major impact because they … influence how private health providers offer nutritional advice … School meals are required to be consistent with the guidelines. The next Administration should: Work with lawmakers to repeal the Dietary Guidelines.

Department Of Education

Lindsey M. Burke

Page 319: the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.

Page 322: When the federal government lends money to individuals for a postsecondary education, taxpayers should expect those borrowers to repay. … The new Administration must end abuses in the loan forgiveness programs. Borrowers should be expected to repay their loans.

Page 332: the current Administration has drastically expanded BDR¹, CSLD², and PSLF³ loan forgiveness … quickly commence negotiated rulemaking and propose that the department rescind these regulations.

Page 333: define “sex” under Title IX to mean only biological sex recognized at birth. … define “sex” under Title IX to mean only biological sex recognized at birth; and strengthen protections for faith-based educational institutions, programs, and activities.

Page 334: abandon this change redefining "sex" to mean "sexual orientation and gender identity" in Title IX immediately … restore the Trump Administration's Title IX regulation, with the additional insistence that "sex" is properly understood as a fixed biological fact.

Page 346: No public education employee or contractor shall use a name to address a student other than the name listed on a student's birth certificate, without the written permission of a student's parents or guardians.

Page 346: No public education employee or contractor shall use a pronoun in addressing a student that is different from that student's biological sex without the written permission of a student's parents or guardians.

Page 354: The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which prioritizes government and public sector work over private sector employment, should be terminated.

Page 357: Educational institutions can claim a religious exemption with the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Education from the strictures of Title IX

Page 361: End time-based and occupation-based student loan forgiveness.

Department Of Energy And Related Commissions

Bernard L. Mcnamee

Page 365: repeal of massive spending bills like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act … and Inflation Reduction Act …, which … are providing hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to renewable energy … rescinding of all funds not already spent

Page 372: Fund the design, development, and deployment of new nuclear warheads, including the production of plutonium pits in quantity.

Page 376: Eliminate carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) programs.

Page 378: Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances.

Page 382: Eliminate OCED*. The next Administration should work with Congress to eliminate all DOE energy demonstration programs, including those in OCED.

Page 386: Eliminate the Clean Energy Corps by revoking funding and eliminating all positions and personnel hired under the program.

Page 408: Should not use environmental issues like climate change as a reason to stop LNG* projects.

Page 409: Set clear radiation exposure and protection standards by eliminating ALARA ("as low as reasonably achievable") as a regulatory principle

Environmental Protection Agency

Mandy M. Gunasekara

Page 438: Reject precautionary default models and uncertainty factors. … EPA's heavy reliance on default assumptions like its low-dose, linear non-threshold model … EPA should implement an approach that defaults to less restrictive regulatory outcomes.

Department Of Health And Human Services

Roger Severino

Page 455: HHS* should use every available tool … to ensure that every state reports exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother's state of residence, and by what method

Page 458: FDA should therefore: Reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs

Page 459: The Administration and policymakers should ensure that health care workers, particularly those in hospitals and emergency rooms, report abortion pill complications.

Page 467: CMS* should: a. Hold states accountable for improper eligibility determinations. b. Require more robust eligibility determinations. c. Strengthen asset test determinations within Medicaid.

Page 468: Add work requirements and match Medicaid benefits to beneficiary needs. … Add targeted time limits or lifetime caps on benefits to disincentivize permanent dependence.

Page 471: Prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds.

Page 473: The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act … prohibits hospitals … protect physicians and hospitals that perform abortions in violation of state law if they deem those abortions necessary to stabilize the women’s health. … HHS should rescind the guidance

Page 481: Protect faith-based grant recipients from religious liberty violations and maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family.

Page 482: Eliminate the Head Start program.

Page 482: OFFICE OF HEAD START (OHS) Eliminate the Head Start program. Head Start, originally established and funded to support low-income families … the program should function to protect and educate minors … this program should be eliminated along with the entire OHS.

Page 483: Restore Trump religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive mandate

Page 484: Require HRSA* to use rulemaking to update the women’s preventive services mandate. The contraceptive mandate … was issued as part of the women’s preventive services guidelines

Page 485: Eliminate men's preventive services from the women's preventive services mandate. … HRSA* should not incorporate exclusively male contraceptive methods into guidelines that specify they encompass only women's services.

Page 485: Eliminate the week-after-pill from the contraceptive mandate

Page 485: Withdraw Ryan White guidance allowing funds to pay for cross-sex transition support. HRSA should withdraw all guidance encouraging Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program service providers to provide controversial "gender transition" procedures or "gender-affirming care,"

Page 489: eliminate the HHS Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force and install a pro-life task force to ensure that all of the department's divisions seek to use their authority to promote the life and health of women and their unborn children.

Page 492: Rescind legal analysis that authorized HHS to impose a moratorium on rental evictions during COVID

Page 494: waivers for state and child welfare agencies for religious exemptions, especially for faith-based adoption and foster care agencies. It should also rescind subjective case-by-case evaluations for religious and faith-based organizations that request religious exemptions.

Page 495: Remove all guidance issued under the Biden Administration concerning sexual orientation and gender identity … Issue a general statement of policy specifying that it will not enforce any prohibition on sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination

Page 495: Issue a proposed rule to restore the Trump regulations under Section 1557, explicitly interpreting the law not to include sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination

Page 496: withdraw its "Obligations Under Federal Civil Rights Laws to Ensure Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care Services" guidance for retail pharmacies

Page 497: OCR* should withdraw its Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidance on abortion. OCR should withdraw its June 2022 guidance that purports to address patient privacy concerns following the Dobbs decision

Department Of Housing And Urban Development

Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., Md

Page 508: Repeal climate change initiatives and spending in the department's budget request.

Page 509: Repeal the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation reinstituted under the Biden Administration and any other uses of special-purpose credit authorities to further equity.

Department Of The Interior

William Perry Pendley

Page 523: Conduct offshore oil and natural gas lease sales to the maximum extent permitted

Page 523: Conclude the programmatic review of the coal leasing program, and work with the congressional delegations and governors of Wyoming and Montana to restart the program immediately.

Page 530: Approve the 2020 Willow EIS, the largest pending oil and gas projection in the United States in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, and expand approval from three to five drilling pads.

Page 531: Revoke National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rules regarding predator control and bear baiting

Page 532: the new Administration must vigorously defend the downward adjustments it makes to permit a ruling on a President's authority to reduce the size of national monuments by the U.S. Supreme Court. Finally, the new Administration must seek repeal of the Antiquities Act of 1906

Page 534: Delist the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Continental Divide Ecosystems … Delist the gray wolf in the lower 48 states in light of its full recovery under the ESA. Cede to western states jurisdiction over the greater sage-grouse

Page 534: Direct the Fish and Wildlife Service to: (1) design and implement an Endangered Species Act program that ensures independent decision making by ending reliance on so-called species specialists

Page 535: Reduce the number of field coal-reclamation inspectors

Page 537: End federal mandates and subsidies of electric vehicles.

Department Of Justice

Gene Hamilton

Page 547: place a high priority on reforming the DOJ and its culture … Critically, this must include the FBI. … a top-to-bottom overhaul … At a practical level, not reforming the Department of Justice will also guarantee the failure of that conservative Administration's agenda

Page 549: Conduct an immediate, comprehensive review of all major active FBI investigations and activities and terminate any that are unlawful or contrary to the national interest.

Page 550: Prohibit the FBI from engaging, in general, in activities related to combating the spread of so-called misinformation and disinformation by Americans who are not tied to any plausible criminal activity.

Page 553: initiate legal action against local officials-including District Attorneys-who deny American citizens the "equal protection of the laws" by refusing to prosecute criminal offenses in their jurisdictions.

Page 554: The next conservative Administration should therefore do everything possible to obtain finality for the 44 prisoners currently on federal death row.

Page 562: Announcing a Campaign to Enforce the Criminal Prohibitions in 18 U.S. Code §§ 1461 and 1462 Against Providers and Distributors of Abortion Pills That Use the Mail

Page 562: Reassigning Responsibility for Prosecuting Election-Related Offenses from the Civil Rights Division to the Criminal Division. The Attorney General in the next conservative Administration should reassign responsibility for prosecuting violations of 18 U.S. Code § 241

Page 566: During the Trump Administration … prevented law enforcement in “sanctuary cities” from receiving grant awards. … Order an overhaul of the DOJ grant application process, to include … more pre-application criteria

Page 569: It is not enough for political appointees to serve in obvious offices … support a vast expansion of the number of appointees in every office and component across the department-especially in the Civil Rights Division, the FBI, and the EOIR*.

Department Of Labor And Related Agencies

Jonathan Berry

Page 583: Eliminate EEO-1 data collection. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission collects EEO-1 data on employment statistics based on race/ ethnicity, which data can then be used to support a charge of discrimination under a disparate impact theory.

Page 583: Eliminate disparate impact as a valid theory of discrimination for race and other bases under Title VII and other laws. Disparities do not (and should not legally) imply discrimination per se.

Page 583: Eliminate OFCCP. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) exists to enforce Executive Order (EO) 11246. That order was originally signed in 1965 to require federal contractors (and subcontractors) to commit to nondiscrimination.

Page 584: The President should direct agencies to rescind regulations interpreting sex discrimination provisions as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, sex characteristics, etc.

Page 585: block individual states' efforts to prohibit employers from helping employees procure abortions via offering various kinds of coverage under employee-sponsored benefit plans.

Page 586: The President should make clear via executive order that religious employers are free to run their businesses according to their religious beliefs, general nondiscrimination laws notwithstanding

Page 586: EEOC* should disclaim its regulatory pretensions.

Page 588: DOL* should commit to honest study of the challenges for women in the world of professional work. … disentangle the influences on women's workforce participation and to understand the true causes of earnings gaps between men and women.

Page 588: Metrics like marriage and fertility rates, the share of children living with both biological parents … should be measured and reported monthly and in real-time

Page 589: amending the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to require that workers be paid time and a half for hours worked on the Sabbath. That day would default to Sunday

Page 590: a home office is not subject to OSHA regulations … time to set up a home office is not compensable time or eligible for overtime calculations … reimbursement for home office expenses is not part of an employee's regular rate, even if those reimbursements are repetitive

Page 591: An Obama-era regulation changed the definition of a joint employer to make corporate franchisors jointly liable for employees of individual franchisee owners … return to the long-standing approach to defining joint employers based on direct and immediate control.

Page 595: Some young adults show an interest in inherently dangerous jobs … rules forbid many young people … from working in such jobs … discourages otherwise interested young workers from trying the more dangerous job … young adults should be allowed to learn and work in more dangerous occupations

Department Of Transportation

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Page 628: Reduce proposed fuel economy levels.

Page 629: Revoke the special waiver granted to California … The federal government should therefore … take all steps necessary to invalidate any inconsistent fuel economy requirements … including its ban on sales of internal combustion engines.

Page 633: Require the FAA* to operate more like a business.

Page 636: remove federal subsidies for transit spending

Page 638: DOT*’s mission is described as reducing the number of trips, using less fuel, and … increased use of renewables. These goals are not compatible with what should be DOT’s purpose

Department Of Veterans Affairs

Brooks D. Tucker

Page 644: Rescind all departmental clinical policy directives that are contrary to principles of conservative governance starting with abortion services and gender reassignment surgery.

Page 647: Require VHA* facilities to increase the number of patients seen each day to equal the number seen by DOD medical facilities: approximately 19 patients per provider per day. Currently, VA facilities may be seeing as few as six patients per provider per day.

Page 652: sunset the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection

Page 660: reducing marginal tax rates, reducing the cost of capital, and broadening the tax base to eliminate tax-induced economic distortions by eliminating special-interest tax credits, deductions, and exclusions.

Department Of Commerce

Thomas F. Gilman

Page 664: The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated

Page 676: Withdraw the 30x30 Executive Order and Associated America the Beautiful Initiative. … being used to advance an agenda to close vast areas of the ocean to commercial activities, including fishing, while rapidly advancing offshore wind energy development

Page 676: Modify Regulations Implementing the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act.

Page 676: Downsize the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research. … The preponderance of its climate-change research should be disbanded.

Page 677: Scientific agencies like NOAA* are vulnerable to obstructionism of an Administration’s aims if political appointees are not wholly in sync with Administration policy. Particular attention must be paid to appointments in this area.

Page 679: committed political appointees and like-minded career employees are in immediately put in place to execute a conservative agenda. These will need to be placed both in the Census Bureau and in key department-level managerial positions

Page 680: Any successful conservative Administration must include a citizenship question in the census.

Page 684: MBDA* has the appearance, on its face, of perpetuating racial bias by focusing on minority advancement rather than economic need or other criteria. … Many conservatives ask why the government is funding this activity

Page 685: Oppose efforts to provide intellectual property waivers for cutting-edge technologies, including for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics, through the World Trade Organization’s Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement or any other mechanism.

Page 686: Reestablish U.S. dominance in international standards. NIST* should explore ways to incentivize broader U.S. participation in standards-setting bodies and the exclusion of participants from adversaries like China.

Page 687: Immediately conduct a thorough review of federal policy regarding free speech online and provide policy solutions to address big tech’s censorship of speech.

Department Of The Treasury

William L. Walton, Stephen Moore, And David R. Burton

Page 696: repeal … the coal excise tax, the reinstated Superfund tax, and excise taxes on drug manufacturers to compel them to comply with Medicare price controls. … fully repeal … credits and tax breaks for green energy companies

Page 697: Businesses should also be allowed to fully carry forward net operating losses. Extra layers of taxes on investment and capital should also be eliminated or reduced. The net investment income surtax and the base erosion anti-abuse tax should be eliminated.

Page 697: The estate and gift tax should be reduced to no higher than 20 percent

Page 697: All non-business tax deductions and exemptions that were temporarily suspended by the 2017 tax bill should be permanently repealed, including the bicycle commuting expense exclusion, non-military moving expense deductions, and the miscellaneous itemized deductions.

Page 697: Deductions related to educational expenses should be repealed.

Page 697: a special deduction for energy-efficient commercial building properties, should be eliminated.

Page 697: set a meaningful cap … on untaxed benefits that employers can claim as deductions. Employee benefit expenses other than tax-deferred retirement account contributions should count toward the limitation, whether offered to specific employees or whether the costs relate to a shared benefit

Page 697: The limitation on benefit deductions should not be indexed to increase with inflation.

Page 697: Employers should also be denied deductions for health insurance and other benefits provided to employee dependents if the dependents are aged 23 or older.

Page 698: The U.S. should end its financial support and withdraw from the OECD.*

Page 706: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac … must be wound down in an orderly manner.

Page 707: Congress should repeal the Corporate Transparency Act

Page 708: Identify every Treasury official who participated in DEI initiatives and interview him or her for the purpose of determining the scope and nature of these initiatives and to ensure that such initiatives are completely ended.

Page 708: Treat the participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiative, without objecting on constitutional or moral grounds, as per se grounds for termination of employment.

Page 708: The Administration should eliminate the 25-member Treasury Advisory Committee on Racial Equity.

Page 709: eliminate the Climate Hub Office and withdraw from climate change agreements

Page 709: use Treasury’s tools and authority to promote investment in domestic energy, including oil and gas.

Page 709: reverse support for international public- (and private-) based efforts promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance and Principles for Responsible Investment

Federal Reserve

Paul Winfree

Page 740: Eliminate “full employment” from the Fed’s mandate, requiring it to focus on price stability alone.

Page 740: Have elected officials compel the Fed to specify its target range for inflation

Small Business Administration

Karen Kerrigan

Page 753: if its investigation uncovers evidence that Planned Parenthood affiliates or any other loan recipients knowingly misrepresented their eligibility in their applications, the SBA* should make appropriate referrals to the Department of Justice.

The Case For Fair Trade

Peter Navarro

Page 790: Compel the closure of all Confucius Institutes in the U.S.

Page 790: Hold the CCP* accountable for the COVID-19 virus, which almost certainly originated as a genetically engineered virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology

Page 790: Significantly reduce or eliminate the issuance of visas to Chinese students

Securities And Exchange Commission And Related Agencies

David R. Burton

Page 832: Repeal the Dodd–Frank mandated disclosures relating to conflict minerals, mine safety, resource extraction, and CEO pay ratios.

Page 832: Oppose efforts to redefine the purpose of business in the name of social justice; corporate social responsibility (CSR); stakeholder theory; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria; socially responsible investing (SRI); sustainability; diversity; business ethics

Federal Trade Commission

Adam Candeub

Page 873: Congress should investigate ESG* practices