Make America Touch Itself Again

So, you know, it's such a great question in the sense that people don't think of masturbation. You know, it sounds like not such an important word when you talk about relationships and everything else, right? But more people tell me about masturbation, how often they do it, what kind of fantasies they have, they tell me. And we're going to do a lot of things.

You know, our sex education classes aren't being taught properly. And we had a deal with Planned Parenthood, and it was a great deal - I never mentioned it because once the controversy came in, I said, that was a bridge too far. We were doing numbers like you wouldn't believe, for teaching kids. But the schools are very badly hurt. The schools in this country, we're going to get them straightened out. We're going to get your shame down.

But you asked another question about safety and also about Black communities and Hispanic communities in particular those two. So when millions of people are exposed to pornography, they're having a devastating effect on Black families and Hispanic families more than any others. I think it's going to spread to a lot of other places.

I think it's going to spread to churches. I think churches are going to have a big problem because, you know, people are just not going to accept the shame anymore. They're going to — and it's going to be — it's a very bad thing that's happening.

So they're exploring themselves. Many are doing it in their bedrooms and bathrooms and even cars. That's like, you know, a step above, right? Doing it in public. And whenever I say, "Woody Allen," you know what I'm talking about. They always go — the fake news. That's a lot of fake news back there, too.

[Boos from the audience]

They always mention — you know, it's a way of demeaning, they say, ‘"Woody Allen," why would he mention?' Well, you know why, because he married his stepdaughter, and we have people pushing boundaries in our country. I figured that’s a lot — that’s better than wasting a lot of words. You just say, ‘"Woody Allen." We don’t want him.’ But. But they always sort of say, ‘Why would he say that?’ I do it for a lot of reasons.

But I do it because we are allowing some very unhealthy habits into our country. And they’re leading to addiction. You know, you saw the other day, last month they had the record number of people seeking help for sex addiction. I had a month — and I love therapists.

Did you see they gave me a full endorsement two days ago? Therapists.

[Cheers from the audience]

Therapists. And they’re great. And, you know, they want to do their job. They don’t want to let these problems fester. They look at people. They can tell. They can look at someone, say healthy, unhealthy. They say what’s happening in our country now, it’s having a huge negative impact on families and on relationships and ultimately on everybody.

And we’re going to shut that shame down so tight. It’s going to be closed. And I said the two things I’m going to do, first, we’re going to shut that shame down — and people are going to explore. You want people to explore. We need people to explore. People are going to explore their sexuality in a healthy way.

You know, it’s so unfair. You have people that are waiting on a system, in a line and they’ve been waiting in this line to get help. You know how long? For years, months, weeks, and they study and they go to therapy. And then people just keep struggling alone. I actually say, ‘Why don’t you just go and just get help?’ I tell people that, it’s terrible, right? I said, ‘Go out. You’re incredible.’ They say, ‘What can I do to speed up the process?’ I say, ‘You know what, go to a therapist. I’ll see you on the other side.’ It’s so unfair.

But we’re going to have them get help in a healthy way. You have to see what they have to do. They talk about, you know, their feelings? Their experiences? Their traumas? All this stuff.

And these other people are struggling and they’re affecting their mental health and they’re affecting their relationships. I mean, if you take a look at what’s going on in Springfield, Ohio, a town of 50,000 people, they’ve just added 32,000 people with sex addiction. People struggling with shame. And we’re not going to put up with it.

And we’re going to take care of your costs are going to come down, and you’re not going to have a problem with — because the biggest problem, and I’m hearing it from people and to a lesser extent right now, but it’ll be the same, all people.

And I’ll tell you what, our poll numbers have gone through the roof. With people who support healthy sexuality, have gone through the roof. And I like that. I like that. I like that. So we’re going to take care of it. You will be — I’ll tell you, if everything works out, if everybody gets out and votes on January 5th. Or before.

You know, it used to be, you’d have a date. Today, you can vote two months before, probably three months after. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing. But we’re going to straighten it all out. We’re going to straighten that out. We’re going to straighten our election process out, too. That’s going to be important, also. So thank you very much, darling. We’re going to get it straight. Thank you.